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Blythecon Japan in Tokyo Now Accepting Vendor Applications
Hi, Everyone! Started accepting “Vendor Application for Blythecon Japan in Tokyo” Yes, already I sent application. Deadline is “20th December
My Custom Blythe's Dolls

New Blythe Custom “Mini Kim Kardashian”
Here are some photo I have taken of Mini Kim Kardashian. It took me about a week or so to

Blythe Custom How-to Process ” Lauryn Hill”
Hi, everyone New customize Girl ” Lauryn” here! This time customize, imaged to “Lauryn Hill”. I think, her image is

ONLINE SHOP OPEN ~Blythe Doll and other 1/6 size doll Dress~
These dress are for Blythe Doll, and other 1/6 size doll, licca body, pure neemo S or M size. All

Handmade Custom Blythe Daddy’s Boots 0315
Hello Everyone, Here are my Daddy’s Boots that I made and sold this year in March. The style is very